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Etablissement Social de Travail et d’Hebergement de l’Isere

The Social Work and Host of Isère (ESTHI) is an independent departmental public company, created under the french Act of January 2, 2002, established in 1978 by decision of the General Council of Isere. 
They have 220 ​​care places and a facility  that employs 150 professionals who work together every day to contribute to: 

- Operational use of specialized institution for adults with physical disabilities, facilitating integration into social and professional life. 

- Vocation for research and development as a catalyst and support for the creation of new projects on behalf of the Department, the Region and the State. 

> Visit the website




S.A.R.L capital of 5000€
Siret n°538 851 890 00029
RCS Grenoble

Negative Network

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Cdv 21264
38350 La Mure

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